Padbank Project
Community Centre welcome Seelampur, Shree Ram Mandir Delhi
On 18th June,2021 A Pad Distribution and hygiene awareness camp was conducted in slum area. The National General Secretary of the Foundation , Ms Shalini Gupta herself talked to the girls of this area about menstrual hygiene - a taboo in India. The discussion brought to light the fact that scarcity of sanitary pads caused inconvenience to those females. The girls were really curious to know more , got answers to all their questions from Ms Shalini Gupta and got all their doubts regarding the natural phenomenon clarified. This Pad Distribution Drive carried out by the Pinkishe Foundation was highly appreciated by the Present Mahila Morcha President Chanda Verma Ji , Former Mahila Morcha President Swarn Lata Ji and the Vice President Mahila Morcha, Manju Chauhan Ji who were present on the spot.
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