Pinkishe Foundation continues to dispel period stigma and promote a society where no girl or woman is held back because of natural menstrual cycles.
The drive to the Sonu Mittal Club, Sonipat on 1 September, 2022 was quite a successful event. A vast majority of maids residing there were unaware about sanitation practices. The facilitator of the drive, Ms Charu Wadhwa, taught them about the usage of sanitary pads and effective management of periods. The dedication to learn about the female reproductive system shown by them was remarkable.
From lacking adequate facilities to manage their menstruation, to social norms, women there were struggling for the basic needs of life. A lot of women had to depend on measures like using dirty clothes but Pinkishe assured that menstruating women and girls receive Sanitary napkins to use. Such drives not only help boost women's confidence but also enhance female empowerment.
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