On 12th July, Menstrual hygiene literacy workshop and free Pad Distribution drive was held in Golden Era School, Sonipat.
Menstruation is a crucial and important part of every girl's life. The beneficiaries were girls of class 6th & 7th. Our facilitator taught them the whole process of Menstruation and its importance with the help of a diagram. We informed them method of tracking the menstrual cycle and made them aware about the importance of hygiene during periods.The girls were not aware about lot of the things discussed with them as there is no talk around periods in their environment. The session was interactive as well as knowledgeable for the girls. Our facilitator Charu Wadhwa explained the girls right ways of using the sanitary pad and its correct disposal. Girls expressed their happiness and gratitude for empowering them with such important information.Our heartfelt gratitude to the principal and management of the Golden Era School for taking this initiative in the direction of normalising periods.
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