PINKISHE Sikkim branch in collaboration with the NSS, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology organized Menstrual hygiene literacy workshop and free sanitary pad distribution at IBM slum area, Rangpo, Pakyong District, Sikkim on 31st July 2022. Women and girls were educated about correct menstrual hygiene practices which they need to maintain during periods. They were also educated about the importance of tracking their periods and different menstrual absorbents and their proper disposal. Being able to talk about menstruation without any shame and hesitation is very important for the health, education and the development of the girl and society in general.
Mrs Jhuma Sunuwar Asst. Professors of Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, teacher coordinator NSS and member of PINKISHE, along with her colleague Dr S. Visalakshi organized the event. The program ended with free sanitary pad distribution to ladies who participated for the event. Pinkishe foundation is continuously working to break all these myths and taboos from the society, and we hope to conduct more such sessions in the future.
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