Place - Pearl Gateway Towers, NOIDA Date - 24th June 2022
It has been an active effort of the Pinkishe Foundation to interact with young girls and teach them about the science of periods and stuff related to it. With a local community of young girls in Noida, the Pinkishe Foundation directed a Menstrual hygiene awareness workshop. We have been preparing them for feminine wellbeing and cleanliness for a couple of months. This time we introduced them to various Menstrual products and discussed their benefits and impediments. We also showed the girls the correct methods of use and disposal of each product. They were amazed to see these products and were unaware that such things existed. They appreciated the knowledge shared with them. Our facilitator Ruchi Jain told them to remain active during periods and stay healthy. The eagerness these girls had to learn more about their bodies and the process of periods was fascinating, to say the least, and Pinkishe always looks forward to conducting more such drives in the future.
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