SAKHI PROJECT 10 Block - Meerut urban
On the 5th of May, BRGs of Meerut Urban block, Smt Anjali Verma and Smt Seema Goswami conducted a Menstrual health and hygiene workshop for the teachers of about 33 schools which come under this block. These teachers further educated about 1418 girls in classes 6th to 8th studying in their respective schools about Menstrual health and hygiene. Ms. Shalini Gupta, National General Secretary of Pinkishe Foundation, urged teachers to become a guide and mentor to these young girls in their journey toward healthy Menstruation so that over a period of time we can normalize periods and destigmatize this most important process in our society. These workshops were well conducted by teachers in their respective schools, and it was heartening to see girls opening up about periods and discussing their issues. Cultural practices, religious beliefs, and social myths make it difficult for both men and women to talk about menstruation. Pinkishe Foundation is very much thankful to all teachers for their wonderful interaction with our team, and we are rigorously working to break all these orthodox myths and taboos in society.
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