5th May 2022 Block- Mawana, Meerut
It has always been an active effort by the side of The Pinkishe Foundation to make women and other people in general more aware and open about the process of menstruation and menstrual health and hygiene.
On the 5th of May, 2022, BRGs of Mawana Block, Smt. Renu and Smt. Usha Rani trained 33 teachers of schools in their block on menstrual health and hygiene. It was great to see a good number of participation from male teachers. They all agreed that MHM training is indeed very essential for these girls as they belong to the rural area and there is negligible talk on this topic in society. These teachers further educated about 1263 girls in classes 6th to 8th in their respective schools on menstrual hygiene.
Under Sakhi Program, Pinkishe Foundation is training teachers and making them certified menstrual health educators. These trained teachers further impart menstrual hygiene education to girls studying in their schools.
Free sanitary pads were distributed to all the girls after the session. Pinkishe Foundation focuses on breaking the stereotypes and making sure everyone feels safe talking about periods to their friends and family as much as we do.
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