A literacy Workshop on Menstrual Hygiene and Sanitary Pad Distribution was held on 14th August 2022 at Jugouli Women's Academy, Gomtinagar, Lucknow. The awareness workshop was well managed and covered information on basic menstrual awareness and daily sanitation hygiene ; the discussion was great. All beneficiaries were very confident and after the end of the session they started to share their first period experiences. Pads were distributed to all beneficiaries with information on period hygiene and dispelling all myths about menstruation. Women in this area became more familiar with the menstrual issues, discussing their views, and sharing their period experiences.
The Lucknow Branch of Pinkishe Foundation organized the program under the direction of Miss Esshu Awasthi, Head of Lucknow Branch, with volunteers: Garima Choudhary and Deepali.
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