On 8th May 2022, a menstrual literacy workshop and pad distribution drive were organized in association with Sankalp Seva on the special occasion of Mother's Day. The Lucknow Branch of Pinkishe Foundation organized the program. The program facilitators were Ms. Esshu Awasthi, leader of the Lucknow branch, and Hema Pandey, volunteer of Sankalp Seva. The session included educating women about menstruation and daily hygiene and sanitation. The session turned out to be a very big success. The beneficiaries of the session opened up about their problems in the end.
After educating people about maintaining hygiene during periods and busting myths about periods, a pad distribution drive was carried out, where free sanitary pads were distributed to all the beneficiaries. The session helped girls understand more about their bodies and menstruation. The session enabled them to talk about menstruation without any shame, and the women ended up discussing myths they’ve heard from their elders. A fact check was given to them.
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