Army Public School Session 1 8th Aug 2022
A Menstrual Health and Hygiene awareness session was conducted by the Pinkishe Foundation for girls in the 4th and 5th grades at APS, Dhaula Kuan on 8th August 2022. The session engaged approximately 400 young girls.
Our Facilitator, Ms. Shalini Gupta, addressed the process of growing up and the changes that a girl's body goes through during period in a very interactive manner. She advised girls not to be ashamed to ask for help from their teachers and classmates if their periods start unexpectedly at school. Girls had a number of queries, such as "What to do if their period starts unexpectedly while they are traveling?", " What if they develop stains on their clothes?", "Does this happen to all women worldwide?". Ms. Gupta enthusiastically answered all their queries and the session ended with smiles and relief on the faces of the curious girls.
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