A Menstrual hygiene awareness workshop and Pad donation drive were conducted by the co-founder of the Pinkishe foundation, Shalini Gupta on 4th July in Parag Jyoti School, Kanjewala Nagar, Outer Delhi.
The School girls were provided free sanitary pads by Savvy-feel-easy. It is a brand that redefines comfort and hygiene during periods coupled with affordability.
Girls were not interactive initially as they were from a very conservative background. They listened attentively and when the discussion moved to taboos and myths related to periods, that time they spoke about prevalent practices related to menstruation in their home. Our Facilitator Ms Shalini Gupta showed them various Menstrual products and discussed their method of usage and disposal. They were also taught about the proper maintenance of menstrual hygiene and the importance of menstruation. Girls were fascinated by this. They also shared the problems which they face during periods.
In India, talking openly about periods is forbidden. Our society considers it a taboo, and this results in ignorance about such an essential aspect of women’s health.
Mismanagement of periods can lead to many health complications. Ms Nupur Huria, a Pinkishe volunteer from the US also shared with the girls the state of menstrual hygiene in the US. Our heartfelt gratitude to Ms Chandramani Manika, Vice Principal of the school for her warm welcome, support and full cooperation. Pinkishe Foundation is continuously working to break all these myths and taboos from people's minds.
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