"Talking openly about menstruation and puberty and educating both boys and girls would be a promising step towards reducing feelings of shame and discomfort around this topic" With this mindset, The Pinkishe Foundation conducted a Menstrual Hygiene Awareness Session and Pad Donation drive at Blooming Dales School, Nangloi, Outer Delhi on 29th of July. The students were from standard 7 to 10 ,i.e, of 12 to 15 years age group. It was a very successful session, and the students asked a lot of questions regarding the menstrual cycle and period cramps from the facilitator. They also wanted to know what kind of food they should eat during periods. Our facilitator stressed upon the importance of healthy diet during this phase of growing up. She also gave them tips for relieving period pain. We are committed to spread Menstrual literacy among young girls and women to normalise the process of periods.
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