Menstrual literacy workshop and Pad donation drive were conducted on 24th May at Delhi Cantonment. The drive was organized in association with the MLA of Delhi Cantt. Vijay Kadiyan. The facilitator of the program was Ms. Shalini Gupta, who educated the attendees about the significance of periods. Women attending the program were a little reluctant to discuss the periods considering the significant number of men present in the session and expressed their inconvenience.
But they were made to unlearn the fact that periods are shameful; they were told that periods are natural, they’re not a matter of shame, and they should be proud that the entire human race is related to this phenomenon. The session was really well received; they were all seen nodding in agreement towards the end. During the session, an old woman tried to send her 11 years old granddaughter away, saying, ‘Iska kya kaam?’, but our organizer Hema Kaushik intervened and made her understand that very soon, even she will start getting her periods so it is important that she attends. The session was a grand success.
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