Date: 19th April, 2022 Venue: Govt. Senior Secondary School, Gazipur, Zirakpur
Menstruation and menstrual practices still face many social, cultural, and religious restrictions which are a big barrier in the path of the menstrual hygiene management. In many parts of the country especially in rural areas, girls are not prepared and aware of menstruation so they face many difficulties and challenges at home, school, and work places.
Pinkishe Foundation held a menstrual hygiene awareness session at Govt. Senior Secondary School, Gazipur. Those beneficiaries belong to underprivileged areas The session was about basic awareness of menstruation and its hygiene practices. This was our third session with these girls. Therefore, they were much more confident when we discussed periods. They were all very happy to know more about it and very curiously asked their doubts openly now. The drive was well managed and sanitary pads were distributed to all the beneficiaries who attended the session. They were also informed about the right ways of using and disposing of them.
This session was a great success. All credits to the Zirakpur branch of Pinkishe Foundation for organizing this drive and special thanks to Ms. Monika, the leader of Zirakpur branch.
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