Education regarding menstruation is an essential subject for every girl and woman in society.
With the hope that one day all the girls would be aware of this topic, We Pinkishe foundation conducted a menstrual awareness session in collaboration with NSS Sikkim Manipal Institute Of Technology, on 14 April 2022. The venue was in the IBM slum, Rangpho Sikkim.
Girls felt embarrassed initially when the topic of the period was being spoken aloud in the session. But later on, they showed their sincere interest in the issues related to periods and also asked their queries related to period cramps and mood swings.
Our Volunteers showed them some yoga poses to relieve pain during periods. Home remedies like drinking ginger water to ease the process of menstruation were also shared. It was a fun and interactive session overall. Sanitary pads were also distributed by NSS volunteers at the end of the session.
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