Date: 14th April 2022 Venue: Saini Village (1st session)
Menstruation is a phenomenon unique to girls. However, it has always been surrounded by taboos and myths that exclude women from many aspects of socio-cultural life. In India, the topic has been taboo to date. Such taboos about menstruation present in many societies impact girls’ and women's emotional state, mentality and lifestyle, and most importantly, health. The challenge, of addressing the socio-cultural taboos and beliefs in menstruation, is further compounded by the low girls’ knowledge levels and understanding of puberty, menstruation, and reproductive health. Thus, there is a need to follow a strategic approach to combating these issues. As a part of its vision of helping India as a nation where every woman and girl child lives with strength and dignity, on the 14th of April Pinkishe Foundation conducted an awareness session on menstrual health and hygiene as well as a pad donation drive in Saini village for the first time. The girls present in the session showed shyness and hesitation about the topic initially as they were not exposed to such kind of discussion before. Gradually they started coming out of their shell and sharing their issues. The session enlightened them with valuable knowledge on the importance of maintaining menstrual hygiene. They were happy and grateful for the program.
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