On the 30th of June, a Menstrual hygiene awareness session and Pad donation drive were organized and conducted by, Mrs. Jhuma Sunuwar at IBM slum area, Sikkim branch. Dr. S Visalakshi and Miss Nitisha Pradhan, Asst. Professors of the Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology were also present there. The total number of beneficiaries was 44. In this drive, local females were educated regarding puberty, the menstrual process, and Female health hygiene. They were also taught the correct way of using sanitary napkins, and their proper disposal. Many females from the community shared the vital restrictions that they face during their periods, and such restrictions during menstruation affect women's physical and mental health. They were also told that periods are absolutely normal, and it's a natural process that is important for a healthy life. Myths and taboos create a negative mindset in the community, and it's very necessary to break all these myths and taboos in society. Free pads were distributed to all the females who participated in this session. Pinkishe Foundation is very much thankful to Mrs. Jhuma Sunuwar, Dr. S Visalakshi, and Miss Nitisha Pradhan for their honorable presence and contribution. We are also thankful to all the females for their cooperation. Pinkishe Foundation is continuously working to break all these myths and taboos in society.
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