Padbank Project
Badal Colony, Zirakpur
Menstrual hygiene is of considerable importance, as it can prevent women from infection in the reproductive and urinary tract. On the contrary, its ignorance may increase vulnerability to Reproductive Tract Infections (RTI's) and cause common repercussions like dermatitis, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and change in pH of vaginal flow. These infections invite future challenges like difficulty in conceiving, risk of abortions and restrict delivery. Hence, unhygienic menstrual practices can affect the entire reproductive career of a woman. Pinkishe Foundation in order to alleviate such problems amongst women held a menstrual hygiene awareness session in Zirakpur, Punjab on 8th August, 2021 which was conducted smoothly. They were told about how to maintain hygiene and advised when to consult a doctor regarding period issues.
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