19th June 2022 Baydon Village, Kaliyaganj, Uttar Dinajpur
Menstrual hygiene awareness session and Pad donation drive were conducted by Binati Singha on 19th June at Baydon Village, Fahapur Haat, Kaliyaganj Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal. It started with an invocation song by a few beneficiaries. Some of them recited poems on the occasion of Father's Day. The beneficiaries mostly were young girls. In this session, the attendees were educated about the uterus with the help of a diagram. They were demonstrated how to use pads. They were also told about the proper disposal of sanitary napkins and the food habits that they should follow during menstruation. Some of these girls were very shy; they couldn't even share their first-period experiences. Later, the girls were made to realise that period is a natural phenomenon, there’s nothing to be ashamed of, moreover, they should be proud of being a woman. The villagers appreciated our efforts.
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